
Extremely delicious!
Our breakfast is the perfect start into a new day
Late riser or early bird? Doesn’t matter, because our gourmet breakfast makes every morning perfect. We love local and fresh food and many of the products we use come directly from the farmers in the area or from our own farm next-door. Delicious eggs and egg dishes from happy hens, fresh milk, a fine selection of cheese and cold cuts, a variety of muesli, delicious seasonal fruits, aromatic bread with homemade jam or honey, and of course coffee, tea and juices: the morning starts with a variety of truly delicious food. If you want to, every single one of your days on vacation can start like this. Alternatively, we are happy to provide a breakfast box (10€/person), which allows you to enjoy your breakfast in your apartment or outdoors. And if you want to skip breakfast, that’s not a problem either. You can choose, how you want to start your days on vacation – one by one.

Spring water

We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.
Barack Obama

Good for people and environment

The spring water from our water taps is of perfect drinking quality. Simply the best thirst quencher for the whole day! You can refill your bottles for free and take them with you. Sparkling or not, just the way you like it. Please don’t use plastic bottles. Your contribution to environmental protection is very important to us.

Dine Around

Dinner just the way you like it
What would you like to have for dinner tonight?
Are you in the mood for a pizza, would you like to try some local specialties or just a little snack? In the evening, you have the choice! Many restaurants are just a 10 minutes’ walk away.
And if, after dinner or on a rainy day, you want to get together outside of your apartment, you can easily do so in our common room!


You would like to have a snack? In our Alpenspitz-Kiosk, you can buy a variety of regional products: tasty speck, local cheese, South Tyrolian bread called Schüttelbrot, pasta and a variety of drinks. Come and get everything you need for a traditional South Tyrolian afternoon snack or for your home-cooked dinner.